2DNeuralVision and Graphene Flagship: a collaboration to the advance of Europe’s strategic autonomy
Funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, Graphene Flagship aims to contribute to the advance of Europe’s strategic autonomy in technologies that rely on graphene and other 2D materials. Sounds familiar? Yes, that’s why 2DNeuralVision project collaborates with this initiative.
2DNeuralVision project aims to develop the enabling photonic and electronic integrated circuit components for a novel low-power consumption, any weather, any light computer vision system. These components are a 2D materials (2DM) enhanced wide-spectrum image sensor and optical neural network with enabling 2DM components.
By supporting the development of 2DM-based devices and systems, 2DNeuralVision brings 2DM technology one step further towards the integration in current technologies and to the development of radically new prototypes and/or solutions for the industry for a wide range of application areas overcoming integration costs, functionalities and/or power consumption challenges.
This means that, as the Graphene Flagship, also 2DNeuralVision project looks to contribute to a wider impact on European autonomy in strategic areas, such as 2D materials.
A fruitful collab: how do we do it?
2DNeuralVision seeks to contribute to the Graphene Flagship governance via its participation in the Coordination Board and the regular Science and Technology Forum, and it will report on its outputs to be presented to the European Commission.
Additionally, 2DNeuralVision envisions fostering the Graphene Flagship initiative, enhancing graphene-and-related-materials-based developments, and providing positive recommendations in terms of modifications or updates in the existing policies.
Envisioning the contribution to industrialization, 2DNeuralVision constantly looks to promote the coordinated standardization of its activities, thereby contributing to the ongoing standardization projects initiated during the H2020 Graphene Flagship phase. 2DNeuralVision can be further benefited through synergism with the 2D experimental pilot line in prototyping, standardization and towards pilot manufacturability.
To support innovation work within the project, 2DNeuralVision will also contribute to the overall Graphene Flagship innovations activities, such as participating in industrial outreach activities like workshops and conferences.
2DNeuralVision also takes part in the Dissemination and Exploitation Working Groups of Graphene Flagship, making the most of its bigger outreach and contributing to its joint communication, dissemination and exploitation activities. The project provides content for the Graphene Flagship’s communication channels and materials, such as its website, social media, newsletters, press releases, and Annual Reports.
Moreover, 2DNeuralVision will be represented in the initiative’s events, especially in the annual Graphene Week that this year is almost there! We’ll be in Prague, between the 14th and the 18th of October 2024. See you there?